55 Napoleon Dynamite Best Quotes: Lines You Can't Stop Repeating!

7 min read

Fleta Powlowski, Best Senior Quotes Writer


Napoleon Dynamite has etched its mark into the hearts of movie enthusiasts worldwide with its quirky charm, unforgettable characters, and lines that never seem to fade from memory. Released in 2004, this sleeper hit emerged as a cultural phenomenon, and its impact continues to resonate today. The film’s unique brand of humor, combined with the relatable struggles of its socially awkward protagonist, Napoleon Dynamite, has cemented its place as a cult classic. Its quotes are repeated, meme-d, and beloved like few others from the silver screen. Today, we delve deep into the quirky world of Napoleon Dynamite to unearth those golden lines that have been etched into the annals of pop culture, thus affirming that “Tina, you fat lard, come get some dinner!” can be as timeless as the most honored movie quotes.

The charm of “Napoleon Dynamite” lies within the memorable dialogue that has spawned a legion of fans, incessantly citing the film’s many humorous and offbeat quips. Whether you’re looking to relive the movie’s funniest moments or searching for the perfect comeback, these 55 quotes from Napoleon Dynamite will have you chuckling and nodding with recognition.

Vote for Pedro: Iconic Lines from Napoleon Dynamite

One of the most remarkable aspects of “Napoleon Dynamite” was the campaign to elect Pedro Sánchez as class president. The straightforward yet compelling “Vote for Pedro” slogan became a symbol of the film’s influence and a testament to the enduring nature of its humor. Below are some of the most memorable lines tied to Pedro’s campaign and the title character’s support for his best friend.
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Napoleon’s Endorsement: A Call to Action

  • "If you vote for Pedro, your wildest dreams will come true.”

This promise, simple, yet filled with hope, became a standout moment, cementing the bond between Napoleon and Pedro. It’s a line that fans recall not just for its humor but for its oddly motivational tone.
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  • “Pedro offers you his protection.”

The seriousness with which Napoleon delivers this quote perfectly encapsulates the character’s dedication and loyalty to his friend, making it a quote that’s both amusing and touching.
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Pedro’s Quiet Determination

  • “Just listen to your heart. That’s what I do.”

Pedro’s wisdom, delivered with his characteristic earnestness, radiates the innocence and sincerity that fans have come to love. His campaign messages are not slick political slogans but genuine insights into his character.
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Crafting a Folk Hero

  • “Well, you have a sweet bike. And you’re really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you’re like the only guy at school who has a mustache.”

The compliment towards Pedro contrasts with the sarcastic environment of high school, making it such a memorable line. Napoleon’s list of what makes Pedro cool is so singular—it’s undeniably Napoleon Dynamite.
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Gosh! The Witticism of Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon, with his overbearing sighs and expressive retorts, has given us some of the most quotable content from the movie. His lines are delivered with such peculiar candor that they become instantly iconic.

Napoleon’s Exclamations

  • Gosh!

This one-word exclamation encapsulates the character’s frustration and youth’s universal language in a simple, powerful interjection. It is the catchphrase that rolls off the tongue of every fan when they encounter life’s little annoyances.

  • “Idiot!”

There’s a caustic yet comical undercurrent in the way Napoleon uses this insult. It reflects his social awkwardness and shows a rare assertiveness that defines his character.

The Foodie in Napoleon

  • “Whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh!”

Napoleon’s staunch stand on autonomy when it comes to what he wants to do, be it making quesadillas or drawing ligers, is delivered so matter-of-factly that it becomes a rallying cry for anyone seeking to affirm their independence.

  • “Tina, you fat lard, come get some dinner.”

Napoleon’s impatient call to his pet llama, Tina, encapsulates his character’s offbeat family life. It’s surreal yet strangely relatable to hear someone speak to their pet like that, which is why it sticks.

The Artistic Napoleon: Drawing Lig-ers

  • “It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed… bred for its skills in magic.”

Napoleon’s hobby of drawing this mythical creature—the liger—is one of his defining character quirks. This quote reflects his creative side and the schoolboy error of blending fantasy with reality.

Standing Up to Bullies

  • “Napoleon, like anyone can even know that.”

His sarcastic rebuttal to a bully’s question about whether he’s been hunting wolverines showcases the unique way Napoleon stands up for himself. It’s a classic underdog response that fans can’t get enough of.

  • “This is pretty much the worst video ever made.”

Napoleon delivers this line while watching a classmate’s dance rehearsal, and it perfectly mirrors the audience’s likely reaction, thus creating a shared experience between character and viewer.

Lovable Quirks: Kip’s Techno Love and Deb’s Glamour Shots

Napoleon’s brother Kip and his friend Deb provide their share of the film’s endearing idiosyncrasies with lines that are just as memorable.

Kip’s Online Adventures

  • “I’m training to become a cage fighter.”

Despite his meek appearance, Kip’s declaration of his new ambition is not only hilarious but also showcases his desire for transformation, another recurring theme that fans love about the film.

  • “LaFawnduh is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m 100% positive she’s my soul mate.”

Kip’s confident proclamation about his internet girlfriend strikes the perfect balance between delusion and optimism, making it a highly quotable testament to internet romance in the early 2000s.

Deb’s Side Hustle

  • “I could make that much money in five seconds!”

Deb’s pride in her ability to earn fast cash through her Glamour Shots by Deb enterprise is a humorous highlight. It not only generates a laugh but also spotlights her entrepreneurial spirit.

  • “And here we have some boondoggle keychains. A must-have for this season’s fashion.”

Deb’s earnest sales pitch for her homemade keychains showcases the silliness and entrepreneurial drive that courses through the film’s characters, making it charmingly memorable.

Uncle Rico: Footballs and Dreams

Perhaps one of the most intriguing characters, Uncle Rico, with his longing for the past and unrealistic ambitions, gives us some of the richest quotes from the film.

The Time-Travel Wannabe

  • “If coach would have put me in fourth quarter, we would’ve been state champions, no doubt. No doubt in my mind.”

Uncle Rico’s yearning for his glory days and the certainty in his voice make this delusion one of the most humorously sad moments in the film.

  • “How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?”

His belief in his quarterback skills, undiminished by time, reflects not just comedy but also a poignant look at the character holding onto his dreams.

Rico’s Business Ventures

  • “You ever come across anything… like time travel?"

Uncle Rico’s desperate yearning for a second chance in life peaks with this earnest inquiry about time travel, laced with a humorous undertone.

  • “I’m just really trying to raise a few bucks now so I can bring her up for a few days.”

His shady scheme to make money quickly for his girlfriend reflects a misguided romantic effort wrapped in a ridiculously funny quote.

Final Thoughts: The Timeless Appeal of “Napoleon Dynamite”

“Napoleon Dynamite” has become a touchstone for oddball comedy and off-kilter charm. Much of its timeless appeal lies in its ability to capture the heart through hilarity, awkwardness, and a generous dose of realism. The film serves as a reminder of the enduring power of relatable and sincere storytelling.

Through the lens of its quotable dialogue, the world of Napoleon Dynamite reminds us that there’s a bit of gawkiness in us all. It tells us that it’s okay to be different, it’s okay to have dreams no matter how offbeat, and it’s definitely okay to laugh at ourselves. So when life hands you a hunk of what might seem boring or mundane, remember, you could be spending your days feeding Tina or practicing your dance moves for the school assembly. It’s all about perspective, and it’s safe to say, “Napoleon Dynamite” gave us a darn good one.

Fleta Powlowski, Best Senior Quotes Writer
Fleta Powlowski

Mission Statement Fleta Powlowski is a talented writer dedicated to creating the best senior quotes for high school graduates. Her